Enola gay ww2 quizlet

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In Korea, B-29’s initially flew on daylight bombing raids but with the introduction of the Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-15 jet fighter in 1950 by the Communists (at first flown by Soviet pilots), around 30 B-29’s were shot down. The Boeing B-29 Superfortress was a long-range four engine heavy bomber introduced into service in 1944 with sophisticated features including a pressurized cabin and remote-controlled gun turrets. The B-29 was used with devastating effect by the United States Army Air Force against the Japanese in the Pacific theatre of World War Two (this was the aircraft that basically ended the war in 1945 by dropping 2 atomic bombs on Japan and then by the United States Air Force in the Korean War (1950-53) against communist forces.

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